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Welcome to the employers’ portal on this site. You will find useful and specific information on how you can reduce your annual healthcare budget by as much as 30% while creating a healthier and more motivated workforce.
Until now, many organizations cater to the health needs of their staff through retainership arrangements with hospitals that are reimbursed on a traditional fee-for-service basis. Other organizations practice varying degrees of monetization of medical benefits.Yet a few others choose to operate a hybrid system that combines hospital retainership with partial monetization.The problems with these systems are:
1. Many times fees charged by private hospitals are arbitrarily set and marked up significantly hence retained companies lose money through regular overpayment.
2. Sometimes employees connive with corrupt hospital personnel to defraud the company through payment for fictitious services.
3. Persons other than the employees or their dependents can deplete the organization’s healthcare funds. These persons could be friends or distant relatives of the employees. Bills for such services are normally sent in the name of the employee.
4. It is a cumbersome and distracting exercise for a lot of organizations to track costs and monitor the quality of care received by their staff.
5. Utilization of services may be constrained due to a fixed medical limit per staff.
6. Employees in trying to achieve a sizeable medical refund for non-utilization do not cultivate a health seeking behaviour. Preventable conditions end up becoming critical and more expensive to treat. This occurs quite frequently where monetization operates.